About JAKWEB 17.06.2017 5598
We are behind a little bit on our schedule but the wait was worth it, we promise. Now available the greates and latest Live Chat 3 - Version 3.1.
Over 140 files have been changed or added and because it is a major release Auto Updater won't work. But don't worry just read the update manual carefully and your Live Chat 3 will be up to date in no time.
Our native apps have been updated, you can now invite visitors straight from the app. The new version will be available soon on the App and Play Store.
You will need to download the latest version from our download area and read the update manual very careful.
With any update please Backup your files and database before you update, please read the update.txt file in the update folder!
Correct a new demo has been installed, check it out on livechat3.com.
Not a customer yet? You can purchase Live Chat 3 in our online shop.
We are happy to announce our new professional graphic designer and webmaster: Salah. He is the mastermind behind all the new things you see here. He already updated a lot of elements on our website and of course on the new Live Chat 3. You might talk to him soon on our Live Chat here on JAKWEB. Big Welcome!!!
Thank you for your reports, feedbacks and trust in our software.