LCPS 1.0.4

LCPS 1.0.4

About JAKWEB 08.05.2017 4244

LCPS 1.0.4

Live Chat PHP Server 1.0.4 is now available. With over 148 files changed and/or added this is the biggest update so far and you won't be disappointed.

We are happy to announce the new feature: Multiple operators

lcps multiple operators

Your customers can now purchase additional operators direct from their dashboard. Fully automatic billing and management, as the business owner sit back and enjoy.

Transfer clients

lcps multiple operators

lcps multiple operators

With multiple operators clients can now also be transferred. As soon your client has purchased additional operators the new feature "transfer clients" is also available. The best thing push notifications on transfer clients has been built into LCPS 1.0.4 with our native apps.

Native Apps

The native apps for iOS and Android are finally available. We have no branding on the apps itself so you can offer our native apps without additional coast or buy the mobile package and publish the native apps under your own branding on the App and Google Play store.

Google Play Store
App Store

Change Log

  • Native Apps are here (iOS and Android)
  • Added a new signup design (index2.html)
  • Rest api for mobile apps
  • Clients can easily add more operators and pay from the dashboard
  • Permissions to each area can be set for each sub operator
  • Transfer chats between operators when available
  • Transfer requests work with push notifications
  • Added text to the user page (statistic, edit)
  • Font for slideup title can be changed in the widget area
  • Changed some menu icons for better understanding
  • Display linked images directly in the chat with lightbox
  • Improved active/inactive behaviour on client chat
  • Fixed possible double message on client side
  • Fixed issue in showing wrong data in statistics
  • Fixed issue with online/busy/offline modus
  • Fixed language issue when ending the chat
  • Fixed issue when renaming the operator folder
  • Moved lastid for pulling new messages into a session
  • Operator last post is now on sessions as well
  • Removed upload html code from pop up template
  • Removed image parsing from retrieve.php file
  • jQuery update to 3.2.1

All clients to our private Git server will have a more detailed change log of course.

Please update your installation as soon as possible, we only support the latest available version. All our licenses come with lifetime access to updates even when your access to support has been expired. Make sure you read the update manual carefully there is also an update on all cron jobs, signup page and main administration panel. We also offer an update service in our online shop, please note we ignore your custom modifications when we update your installation to the latest version. Please make sure you let us know before and you have a made a complete backup of all files and database.


You can update via Auto Updater, grab your copy on our Git server or download the latest package in our download area. Important: before you run the update make sure you have an up to date backup!

Buy Live Chat PHP Server

Are you interested in building your very own Live Chat Business? Live Chat PHP Server will provide you with everything you need, we will install it for you on your server when you want or you can follow the manual and do it on your own! Included is a complete administration panel for managing your clients, a sign up page the same as here: (can be customised of course, pure HTML), the complete Live Chat PHP Server with payment integration and membership control, Unlimited Live Chat 3 license (same domain) for advanced installations plus world class support access. IOS and Android Apps native app access straight from the App and Google Play Store.

Contact us, start a chat to discuss the details, or purchase your complete license in our online shop: Cloud Chat 3 today.

Thank you very much and we whish you a succesful business