About JAKWEB 24.04.2017 3218
We are proud to announce the opening of our community forum. Why a community forum? Because you have asked for it many times.
Because we have so many freebies and our famous open source CMS you can now share your work or help each other out right where you have downloaded the software.
Login with your account you already have with JAKWEB, everything is completely bridged.
With the announcement of our community forum we have also made our CMS open source and available for free in our download area. You should and can only download the CMS on our site.
We will keep the package up to date and all reported bugs will be fixed by us to keep the package as secure as possible. Plugins, templates and other modifications will need to come from the community from You. CMS has a fully integrated plugin and hook system and we have created many plugins already. Now it is your time to shine!
Rock your keyboard, post great articles, create plugins and templates or just enjoy the fastest and fully responsive content management system available.
A big thank you to all our customers that have purchased a license in the past Years, without your support CMS would have never come this far.