Live Chat 2.6

Live Chat 2.6

About JAKWEB 19.09.2016 3803

Live Chat 2.6

We are happy to announce the new version for Live Chat Business. Version 2.6 will come with a lot of new features, like wild card proactive (engage) and a brand new chat bot.

  • Wildcard Engage / ProActive feature
  • Chat Bot with predefined answers
  • Fixed system image now based on classes
  • Fixed upload bug
  • Work around for Android Bug with SSE
  • Quickchat fix with Get vars
  • Client has left message only for operator
  • System name now in language file
  • XSS fix via URL input (2.5.1)
  • Bug fixes

We have also added 2 new FAQ article to explain the new feature Chat Bot and Wildcard Engage in details. Should you have any questions or problems not covered in our FAQ area or in our support area, please open a new ticket anytime.

Our to-do list is empty and we are happy to receive new suggestions, requests and feedbacks about the best rated PHP, MySQL self hosted Live Chat available.


As easy as count to three. Login to your operator panel - settings - maintenance and fire up the Auto Updater.


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