Web Stuff 13.07.2016 3385
MyBaluni, flying balloon cards.
A friend of mine got married a couple a days ago and his wife whish was to have some flying balloons on their wedding.
I don't know how famous it is in other countries but in Switzerland, Germany and Austria a lot of weddings, birthday parties and other events have flying balloons with a card attached used for whishes, distance competitions and other challenges.
The old school way is to have a card attached where the finder has to put a stamp, write the location and his address on the card and send it back. That usually works quite well as long the balloon is in the same country.
We always like to optimise and simplify things, that's why we came up with MyBaluni - Flying balloon cards. It works worldwide, no stamp necessary and information like how much distance covered, start and landing image, finder message, rankings and email notifications are all just one click away.
On my friends weeding we have tested MyBaluni successful and the first card came already back (virtually).
With MyBaluni you can combine the real and digital world of sending balloons with a card attached. Sending a card is absolutely free. Send your cards with balloons or any other flying object that does not have an engine and hope somebody finds it. We have build in a group feature which is perfect for any kind of event where you like to send balloons. For groups larger then 5 we charge a little fee. Each group has a dedicated page, map, simplified sending process (no account necessary for your group members) and a ranking with all the balloons that has been found.
As it gets harder and harder to find a good name, we have searched "balloon" in various languages. In Zulu balloon means "ibhaluni" which has a very nice sound for us. We started playing around and finally made up the name mybaluni.
One balloon card has already been found and it travelled almost 220 kilometers! We hope of course that more cards will be found soon. You can check the group for the wedding here.
Feel free to use our new service, send your balloon, create a group or just browse through the cards and have fun.