Live Chat Business 1.5

Live Chat Business 1.5

About JAKWEB 12.01.2016 4813

Live Chat Business 1.5

We are happy to announce the release of Live Chat Business 1.5, the first live chat that is PHP 7 ready.

Improved operator login design, change between fast and slow ping, block IP and a new permission role for the operator. We have optimised the code and many SQL queries it will give you a even faster experience and again saves a few server resources. Handle even more operators and clients with ease.

Change Log

  • Switch between ADSL/4G (fast ping) and Satellite (slow ping) connection
  • Turn off IP/Location collection
  • Added User Management permission option for non super operators
  • Block IP Range and single IP's
  • PHP 7 ready
  • Fixed Redirect URL when ProActive is turned off (copy embed code again)
  • Improved Operator Login Design
  • Optimised a few queries and PHP code
  • Improved MySQLi support
  • Removed MySQL support
  • jQuery update to 2.2.0
  • Several issues fixed


You can now purchase live chat business 1.5 in our shop.

How to update

Update is easy as with all of our products, you can go to your operator panel - settings - maintenance and run the Auto updater. You can also head to our download area and do it the old way.