About JAKWEB 14.04.2022 2368
HelpDesk 3 is now available in Version 4.0.2. As always update as soon as possible to benefit from the newest feature and bug fixes.
We have further improved the new chat widget, so you get a faster and more reliable chat widget. We have also upgraded to PHPMailer 6 and changed the complete email sending feature.
Auto updater is back if you are already on Version 4.0. In this case the update takes about 5 seconds. :)
In case you struggle with the update we do offer an update service, it can be purchased in our shop.
Please login with your account and head to our support area. Make sure your support access is not expired.
Not a customer yet? Get your own professional Support - Helpdesk 3 license once and use it for life.
We would like to thank you once again for the great feedback and enjoy the latest release for the most complete support solution available.