About JAKWEB 24.11.2021 2630
Live Chat 3 - Version 5.0 is here!
We have started with the core code of Live Chat 3, 10 Years ago we still cannot believe a decade has gone.
Luckely to you we are very well known in the Live Support Industry and with this update we have just added another big lead to our competitors.
When we started back in 2011 the browser compatibilty was kind of a nightmare, we still managed to make it work in a way you did not need a special server or browser to use our software.
All this code has still been used till today. Of course we modified it, made it work with PHP 7 and later with PHP 8 but it was still kind of old and slow code.
We are almost in 2022 and luckely Internet Explorer is a past for good and Edge is based on Chrome, that makes developing so much easier and we can use technology that allows use creating code that is fast, reliable and secure. But not just browsers have been changed also web servers. With PHP 7 and 8 we have a strong, fast and secure programming language it almost can't get any better.
Now it is time to release this brand new technology to you!
Available right now for you and we are proud that we have created something special again!
We have not just designed a new template we have also recoded everything from scratch. You will love it! With this update we will provide one front end chat template called "business" that combines all the features from the old templates but in a new and fresh design.
The list is long and a lot of work is behind it, the upgrade to 5.0 is free for all current customers. Yeahhhh.
With such a complete make over it is necessary to install the update manually and have a complete backup from your database and files. The upgrade guide is also available in the download package.
In case you struggle with the upgrade we do offer an upgrade service, it can be purchased in our shop.
Please login with your account and head to our support area. Make sure your support access is not expired.
Get the best self hosted live support chat in version 5.0 including access to the brand new native iOS and Android Apps on the App Stores with push notifications from our partner CodeCanyon.
Thank you once again and enjoy Live Chat 3 in Version 5.0.