HelpDesk 3 - Version 3.6
About JAKWEB 22.03.2021 3555
Welcome to HelpDesk 3 - Version 3.6 - New age for our Support Software
4 Month in the making and a complete make over, 80% of the files have been changed, a modern design with easy to use features. But we did not stop there:
- Brand New Front End Template
- Brand new Group Chat Design
- Envato Mode for checking purchase codes
- PHP 8 Ready
- Improved Operator Panel Design
- Complete Documentation for the Operator and Client Panel
- Complete redesigned Front End Editor
- Updated Apps for iOS and Android (available soon)
- Bunch of new live chat buttons
- More filter options on the Support Area
- Upload attachments when creating the ticket
- Custom Support Status
- Custom Contact form fields
- Sub Categories for FAQ
- Drag and Drop for Department and Categories re order
- Improved Content Management System
- New Front End Editor with unlimited styling options
- Increadible easy to use template system for the front end
- New Tag System for Blog and FAQ
- Brand new Search for the front end
- Fully responsive and mobile tested
- Complete redesign of the folder structure to be future ready
- Fixed bug when sending attachments by email
- Send only latest attachments to the client
- Support Settings in Cron Job are now fixed
- All libraries updated
- All reported and known bugs have been fixed
- General performance improvements
Few Screenshots from the Client Side
Few Screenshots from the Operator Side
Finally a complete Manual
It has taken us long enough but it is finally here. The complete user manual for HelpDesk 3 is now included in the download package under "manual". It contains plenty of PDF's for each section explained in details.

Upgrade to 3.6
With such a complete make over it is necessary to install the update manually and have a complete backup from your database and files. The upgrade guide is also available in the download package.
- Backup your database
- Backup your files
- Unpack the brand new HelpDesk 3 - Version 3.6 (that should be done already or you cannot read this :))
- Open your FTP Program (do not use cPanel or any other panel for uploading the files)
- Browse to the directory you have installed HelpDesk 3
- Delete all files and folders from HD3 on your server except (cache and files)
- Upload the folders and files on your server with the content of the 3.6_complete folder
- Wait until everything has been uploaded correctly
- Now open the old include/db.php and rename the include/ into include/db.php
- Rename the include/ into include/db.php on your server
- Also open the new include/db.php from your server
- Copy the database connection, Password Hash, Full Site Domain, SSL and Rewrite feature into the new db.php file.
- Open your browser and visiting following URL: (yourdomain and helpdesk3 is something you will need to change)
- Follow the on screen guide, that will update the database!
- After you receive a success message you need to delete the complete install directory on the server
- Finally login with your credentials and check that everything is working!
- Because it is a majore release you will need to setup your client pages again, don't worry it is much easier now. Go to your operator panel - cms and edit page to suit your needs
- Now find your own client (from the front end) and give this client permission to be a "Front End Admin"
- Login with a second browser as a client and you will be able to edit all sections on the front end with the build in editor.
- Checkout the manuals which are now available and included in this package.
In case you struggle with the upgrade we do offer an upgrade service, it can be purchased in our shop.
Please login with your account and head to our support area. Make sure your support access is not expired.
Not a customer yet? Get your own professional Support - Helpdesk 3 license once and use it for life.
Thank YOU
We would like to thank you once again for the great feedback and enjoy the latest release for the most complete support solution available.