New Release for CD3/CC3

New Release for CD3/CC3

About JAKWEB 31.10.2019 3211

New Release for CD3/CC3

We have just released a new version for Cloud Desk 3 and Cloud Chat 3. First we want to say thank you for all reports we have received over our summer time. Without you it is not possible to continuously improve the software and add new features.

We recommend to update to the latest version as soon as possible. Why?

  • We only support the latest version
  • Please make sure your support is not expired
  • New features
  • All known bugs have been fixed
  • Security improvements
  • Performance improvements

What has been improved this time?

Cloud Desk 3
  • Changed the Api for the client to be compatible with PHP 7.2 and higher
  • Improved Chat Widget by improving the who is visiting the site
  • Improved Attachments from Email to Ticket
  • Fixed Widget when selecting multiple departments
  • Added the missing stripe_hook file to have subscriptions from Stripe
  • Fixed a bug in the operator settings
  • Tested up to PHP 7.3.8
  • Fixed various small bugs
Cloud Chat 3
  • Improved Chat Widget by improving the who is visiting the site
  • Fixed Widget when selecting multiple departments
  • Improved the stripe_hook file to have subscriptions from Stripe
  • Fixed the title in the forgot password page on the administration side
  • Tested up to PHP 7.3.8
  • Fixed various small bugs

Thank you once again for all the reports and thank you for your further support!

What is cooking?

The next release will be HelpDesk 3 with a brand new and modern back end design and of course some new features.