Teacher Plugin - SlideOut

Teacher Plugin - SlideOut

About JAKWEB 03.12.2017 3479

Teacher Plugin - SlideOut

We are proud to announce our first plugin for our products Live Chat 3, HelpDesk 3 and Cloud Chat 3. The teacher slideout chat plugin will give your website a perfect tool for tutors or teachers.

teacher plugin

select package

select operator

It is super easy to install and ready in 30 seconds.

What you get:

  • Live Chat template ready to use
  • Easy to install
  • Avatar set included
  • 5 different options (SlideOut, Button to SlideOut, SlideOut (online operators), Button to SlideOut (online operators) and PopUp).

Buy Teacher Plugin

You can buy the teacher plugin in our shop and it works with LC3, HD3 and CC3.

Thank you and enjoy our teacher plugin.