Cloud Chat 3 / Version 2.0

Cloud Chat 3 / Version 2.0

About JAKWEB 23.11.2017 3791

Cloud Chat 3 / Version 2.0

Sunshine and 8 degrees celsius. Happy Day! We are proud to announce the availability of Cloud Chat 3 - Version 2.0! It has been hard work for the last 3 Month but it was absolutely worth it.

It has now never been easier to start your very own online bussiness for little money. Cloud Chat 3 is now complete and offers everything you need to start a professional and easy to use Live Chat Business.

We have build in packages, coupons, subscriptions, file sharing, multiple operators, multiple departments, bot, smooth client widget with full animation and color control, improved speed and security.

The new Administration Panel

new admin features

package manager

package manager

Packages in Action

package in action


The administration panel can be upgraded, however the server cannot be upgraded. It is a complete rebuild and only a fresh installation is possible. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Buy Cloud Chat 3

Are you interested in building your very own Live Chat Business? Cloud Chat 3 will provide you with everything you need! Included is a complete administration panel for managing your clients, a sign up page the same as here: (can be customised of course, pure HTML), the complete Cloud Chat 3 with payment integration, subscriptions and membership control plus world class support access. IOS and Android Apps native app access straight from the App and Google Play Store.

Contact us, start a chat to discuss the details, or purchase your complete license in our online shop: Cloud Chat 3 today.

Thank you very much and we whish you a successful business