Live Chat 3 - Version 3.4 / Live Preview

Live Chat 3 - Version 3.4 / Live Preview

About JAKWEB 17.11.2017 4106

Live Chat 3 - Version 3.4 / Live Preview

A big day for all our Live Chat 3 user! Version 3.4 is now available and the long requested feature Live preview what customer is typing is finally available!

live chat 3 - version 3.4

We never forgot this request but to find a solution that is server friendly wasn't that easy, now it is here!

It has been a long process to find the correct solution and a way to make it work like it does now. We have always searched too far for that simple but great live preview feature.

We have much more to offer in this release. The Button does now communicate over postMessage and because of that there is no more flicker when loading the widget. There are also plenty of animations available now for each widget. The nasty Safari 3rd party Cookie issue has been fixed as well.

Change log

  • Live preview what customer is typing
  • Smooth effects for chat button and chat
  • Choose animations for the chat and button
  • Apple Safari 3rd party cookies fix
  • Full RTL Support
  • Bug fix in the operator panel with navbar and scrollbar in older browsers
  • Stripe update to the latest version
  • Browser recognition update
  • Several bug fixes

Thank you for all the feedbacks and bug reports we have changed over 140 files in this release!


Our support area is online and ready to rock. Should you have any support questions, feedbacks or bug reports go there.

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Thank you once again and enjoy Live Chat 3.