Live Chat 3 - Version 3.3.1

Live Chat 3 - Version 3.3.1

About JAKWEB 04.10.2017 3645

Live Chat 3 - Version 3.3.1

Now available a bug fix release for Live Chat 3. You can easily update via the included Auto Updater under the maintenance section or you can download the complete package from our download area and replace the files via FTP.


  • Display department on client info area
  • Improved auto updater
  • Improved smooth Design
  • Improved Pop Up Design
  • Fixed language issue in english language
  • Fixed PHP issue in italian language
  • Fixed PHP issue in japanese language
  • Fixed all reported bugs
  • Fixed various issues from 3.3

Thank you very much for all the reports and feedbacks and keep on bringing them, please.


Our new support area is online and ready to rock. Should you have any support questions, feedbacks or bug reports go here.

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Thank you once again and enjoy Live Chat 3.