
iOS and Android Apps

iOS and Android Apps

Android and iOS native Apps are now available on the app stores with new features, performance improvements and bug fixes.We have been working hard to bring you once more the best possible experience also on ...

HelpDesk 3 - Version 3.6.1

HelpDesk 3 - Version 3.6.1

It is already time for another Update and we have build in great features and fixed all known and reported bugs. Performance and usuability improvements. The documention has also been updated.Changelog Live ...

Live Chat 3 - WordPress Plugin

Live Chat 3 - WordPress Plugin

Happy Day Number Two for all WordPress Users, we have just released a new plugin for Live Chat 3 and WordPress. The plugin has been rebuild completely and many new features have been added: User ...

HelpDesk 3 - WordPress Plugin

HelpDesk 3 - WordPress Plugin

Happy Day for all WordPress Users, we have just released a new plugin for HelpDesk 3 and WordPress. The plugin has been rebuild completely and many new features have been added: User Synchronisation ...

Live Chat 3 - Version 4.0.5

Live Chat 3 - Version 4.0.5

Live Chat 3 has finally become Version 4.0.5. We have redesigned the complete group chat, made it faster and user friendlier. We have also improved the live chat on the operator side.Changelog Improved ...

Your opinion matters!

Your opinion matters!

Hello dear Jakweb users, today we want to ask you for your opinion! What features would you like for our software products? Do you need more Wordpress support? Are ...

HelpDesk 3 - Version 3.6

HelpDesk 3 - Version 3.6

Welcome to HelpDesk 3 - Version 3.6 - New age for our Support Software4 Month in the making and a complete make over, 80% of the files have been changed, a modern design with easy to use features. But we did ...

Happy New Year 2021

Happy New Year 2021

Happy New Year and best wishes for 2021Another Year passed again for some a really crazy Year and for others not. Like every Year something special happened and we all know what it was in 2020.But what is it ...

Cloud Desk 3 - Version 1.1.2

Cloud Desk 3 - Version 1.1.2

Just in time before Christmas, the new version for Cloud Desk 3 is now officially available and elimnates all known bugs and comes with new features as well.Changelog Attachments are now sent in PHP IMAP ...